Norma Jeans' Closet

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Looks matter a lot in many situations. If you look good, you feel good. Every person wants to look his best. Physical appearance does affect your overall personality. Those who are fortunate to be born beautiful or handsome have an edge over others in their public dealings.

People all over the world spend millions of dollars to look good. They undergo plastic surgery, visit the beauty parlor regularly and undergo herbal treatments to improve their physical appearance. Why so?

looking 4Why One Needs to Look Good?

  • To impress people in social situations.
  • To look one’s best in work place, where one deals with the public. For example, film stars have to look gorgeous and handsome.
  • One feels good if one looks good.
  • A physically attractive person attracts a lot of people.
  • It helps in…

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Posted by: cherylyoung | June 27, 2016



Giving one of the Canadian Mad Men his due

Father and son team up in tribute to great illustrator

Hamilton Spectator

If you lived in Canada in the ’50s, ’60s or ’70s, you know the work of Will Davies. You may not know the name, but you know the art. It was difficult to pick up a newspaper or a magazine without seeing something by one of Canada’s greatest commercial artists.

His kind of art went out of favour for a time as advertising trended toward realism. The retro appeal of “Mad Men,” however, is making people take a second look at that period’s commercial art.

Leif Peng never had to be convinced. The Hamilton graphic artist fell in love with Davies’ work the moment he set eyes on it working on one of his first professional jobs with a Toronto advertising firm some 30 years ago.

Then, for five years in the late ’90s, Peng was privileged to work in the same Toronto studio as Davies, who is now 91 and living in retirement in Toronto. The two became friends. The living room wall of Peng’s west Hamilton home is adorned with Davies’ originals.

Now Peng and his son, Simon, a 20-year-old student at the Ontario College of Art and Design, are working on a 150-page book called “The Art of Will Davies.” Earlier this month, they launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $27,000 to publish the book which they hope to have completed this fall. Within the first 10 days of the 30-day campaign, which ends July 1, they had raised almost $20,000 toward their goal.

“Everyone knew who Will Davies was,” says Peng, now a full-time graphic design instructor at Mohawk College. “You would speak of him reverentially. If you were a young professional you aspired to be Will Davies. He was the most prominent advertising illustrator in Canada.”

Davies’ artwork graced the ads of all the major auto manufacturers and clothing lines, literally thousands of illustrations spanning a 50-year career. You’ll find it on postage stamps and sports posters and the covers of more than 500 Harlequin Romance novels.

There were also nudes, the last of which were displayed at an exhibition in a Toronto gallery in 2002. It was Davies’ last hurrah before retirement.

At the peak of his career, Davies cut a dashing figure, square-jawed and nattily attired, leading the jet set life of the Mad Men.

“There was a time where he had a garage full of Rolls-Royces, Bentleys and Jags,” Peng says. “He was that successful. I think he and his friends and acquaintances had an amazing time, very much like you see on the TV show. The thing about Will is he’s not only a spectacular artist, he is the consummate gentleman, a classy guy.”

Peng, 51, has also had a successful career. His work includes the tuxedoed turtle of Turtles chocolates, the Nestle’s Quick bunny and Pud, the Dubble Bubble boy. There have been a few cereal boxes, too, Cap’n Crunch and Rice Krispies, as well the Hostess Munchies and some Pokemon activity books.

In recent years, however, Peng has turned to writing the history of mid-20th century Canadian commercial art, through his blog “Today’s Inspiration,” which now boasts about 10,000 followers.

“Compared to the fine art world where we know so much, the commercial art people are almost anonymous,” Peng says.

Cheryl Young's Blog

Knight Inlet cuts eighty miles through the remote

Coast Range of Mountains to the head of Knight

 Inlet, and Mt. Waddington, the highest mountain

 located totally within British Columbia.

To the west of this vast wilderness area is Kingcome

 Inlet, Tribune Channel, Bond Sound, Thompson

 Sound, Fife Sound, and numerous other sounds

 and channels.

Islands in the region include Gilford, Village,

Turnour, Minstrel and Cracroft Islands.


The Knight Inlet area is a true west coast adventure,

 with great towering mountains rising straight out

of the sea, cascading waterfalls and waterslides,

 and a history rich in native culture.

Covering the central and north coast of British

Columbia, from Knight Inlet to the Alaskan border,

 the Great Bear Rainforest contains the largest

 tract of contiguous ancient temperate rainforest

 left on Earth.


This temperate rainforest supports Canada’s

largest grizzly bears, the rare white spirit bear and

 thousands of genetically unique races…

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Posted by: cherylyoung | April 30, 2016

STEVEN CSORBA at the Gallery at the Upstairs on Beacon

Cheryl Young's Blog

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Steven Csorba is relentless. In a nutshell, he’s an artist who kicked cancer’s ass and donates most of his money and energy to helping others. I’ll dive in deeper about Steven, but first I’ll explain that he’s the first person I have met for The Noteworthy where I felt like I had nothing to add to the conversation. He has simply achieved and experienced more good and bad than I could ever imagine and anything I could add seems so insignificant. He’s relentlessly positive about life, community, and giving back.

Ever since he was a kid, he’s been an artist. He used to skip elementary school so he could paint pictures of flowers for his mom. He is officially trained as a photo realist (study photo > paint it as realistic as possible), but found success in the advertising and digital media industry. Now, when I say success, I mean it. He…

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Posted by: cherylyoung | April 30, 2016

Paul Harder now at the Gallery at Upstairs on Beacon

Cheryl Young's Blog


Paul Harder is a bronze sculptor with a love of creatures small and large.
His experience as an ecologist has led to his fascination with fish, marine creatures, reptiles, birds and mammals.
His current focus is on the diverse and magnificent wildlife of British Columbia.
Have a look at what`s new on Paul’s blog.
Tel: 250-656-7783 • Email:
612 Downey Road, North Saanich, BC, V8L 5M6
Paul has taken his love of the wilderness and his many work and travel experiences
and developed a new career as an impassioned bronze sculptor.
He has been drawn to a diverse array of creatures and has been continually
adding to the sculpture garden around his studio in North Saanich, BC.
Recent Examples
Some recent examples of west coast inspired bronze sculptures include
the Timber Wolf, Cougar, Grizzly Bear, Great Blue Heron, Great Horned Owl,
Oyster Catchers, Tufted…


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Posted by: cherylyoung | April 30, 2016

SALLY THIELEN at the Gallery at Upstairs on Beacon

Cheryl Young's Blog

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Mashue (South Eagle Woman) Chippewa Davison, Michigan

Although Sally Thielen was raised in a family that impressed upon her the richness of her cultural heritage, it wasn’t until becoming disenchanted with her career in nursing that she began to seek a way of visually expressing that heritage. A community education class in pottery was followed by five years of study at the Flint Institute of Arts, where she also received training in weaving and making handmade paper.

Sally Thielen is recognized as an accomplished artist in many media, but is perhaps best known for her raku porcelain masks. She uses only Native Americans as models. When the masks are finished, she preserves her models’ identities by referring to them only by their first names.

In addition to creating art, Thielen regularly teaches in adult education and private schools. Family involvement in her art is important to her, and…

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Posted by: cherylyoung | March 17, 2016

6 Valid Reasons Daylight Saving Time Should Go Away Foreve

6 Valid Reasons Daylight Saving Time Should Go Away Forever

Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesCATE CARREJO
November 1, 2015NEWS

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Early Sunday morning, the country practiced half of the old adage “Spring forward, Fall back” in honor of Daylight Saving Time. You won’t hear too much grumbling this time of year about the time change because the jump for the winter season tends to work in peoples’ favor. The falling back is better than the springing forward — most people got an extra hour of sleep, and college students got an extra hour to stay up partying on Halloween night. And changing your clocks doesn’t suck as much as it used to either because most of them are automatic now. So DST isn’t quite as bad as it used to be.

But lack of inconvenience isn’t exactly a good enough reason to keep Daylight Savings Time around, and it seems like there are several pretty good reasons to keep the clocks from changing. Only four months out of the year are “standard” time now (which defeats the purpose of calling it standard), and there’s strong advocation for a year-round Daylight Saving Time instead of the seasonal system that’s used now. Bottom line, Daylight Savings doesn’t make much sense anymore — here’s six reasons why the United States should get rid of it.

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1) The Rationale Behind DST Is Irrelevant Now
Daylight Saving was introduced by Germany in World War I to save electricity costs, and the United States adopted it in 1918. The thinking was that if people are coordinating the time with the sun, they will have natural daylight when they are awake and not use electricity. That was pretty smart 100 years ago, but it doesn’t make as much sense now. People are going to stay awake with or without the sun, so the time might as well just stay consistent.
2) It Actually Increase Electricity Use
Indiana didn’t adopt Daylight Savings until 2006, so researchers got a good chance to see whether it actually helped the state save on energy costs. Turns out it led to a 1 percent overall increase in consumer electric use, so the whole theory about saving fuel is definitely debunked.

3) Losing Sleep Has Some Pretty Serious Negative Consequences
Everyone loves gaining an hour in November, but having that time snatched away in March can feel like torture. But the lost sleep is more serious than most people realize — according to Time, there’s an increased risk for heart attacks, which comes just from having your sleeping schedule abruptly changed. Additionally, a couple hundred car-related deaths per year are attributed to Daylight Saving Time. It’s not just inconvenient, it’s downright dangerous.

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4) It’s Not Universal, Which Is Super Confusing
Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and a few other U.S. territories don’t use Daylight Saving Time, and let me tell you, it’s very confusing to go there and try to figure out what time it is. Even more mind-boggling, the Navajo Nation in Arizona does use DST, so within the state, there’s 2 different time zones. It’s not fair to try and trip me up like that.

5) It Gets Dark Way Too Early
When the clocks fall back, the evenings start earlier and it sucks. In New York City, it’s solidly dark by 5:30 p.m., which is just sad. Sunshine is hard enough to come by in the winter months, and if it’s already dark by the time you’re leaving work, you’re actually more likely to get Seasonal Affective Disorderbecause of serotonin deficiency. If the evenings were longer, people could avoid that shock to their hormones that can trigger seasonal depression.

6) It’s Really Just A Joke At This Point
Daylight savings makes drunk me feel like I’m time traveling

— Ali Zito (@AliZit0) November 1, 2015

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Posted by: cherylyoung | March 17, 2016

Is it time to put an end to daylight savings time?

Greg Duncan: Is it time to put an end to daylight savings time?

Before you read this, I must say that every person I talked to this week wants this to stop.  One business actually had 20 people call in sick Monday.  It takes it’s tool on all of us and it is time it was abolished.  Please let me know your opinion

Are your clocks still running on old time? You know, the time that existed before this past Sunday? Is your circadian rhythm out of whack suddenly?

How do you feel about losing an hour each and every year as spring approaches?

Gaining an hour in the fall, I can handle. Losing an hour in the spring is a whole other story, and I’ve yet to understand just how one saves daylight by taking away an hour anyway, so why call it daylight savings time? It’s lunacy.

It’s only been a few days since the time change took effect and social media is exploding everywhere with posts from a sleep-deprived populace who clearly aren’t impressed with this semi-annual time-changing ritual. Why, just this morning, I counted 13 pre-dawn posts on my Facebook page complaining about it. Good to know that I am not alone, and that there is a meeting place for the sleepless to unite in protest.

And another thing; Anybody who is over 40 shares frustration that we can longer just simply wind clocks forward or backwards to adjust the displayed time these days. Instead, a series of digital manoeuvres designed for young people with small digits who possess excellent eyesight is required.

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Don’t get me started about adjusting the digital timekeepers in our two cars here; I had to pull out printed manuals from the dash again today to change them over. The only time I ever refer to these manuals, in fact, is twice a year and it took me two days to do that.

No issue with times changes on our cell phones, thankfully. They can do that by themselves, it seems.

And it’s not just the humans in the household that are affected by daylight savings time. Our two elderly dogs want to know why they have to get out of bed one hour earlier, too. Why are you feeding us so early while its still dark out, they ask?

I notice too that even those wretched tulip bulb thieves of spring are off their game this week. Yes, the squirrels outside are foraging a little late this morning, if I have this right. So why do we change time twice a year again? Right, it’s to save daylight.

How does daylight savings time or affect your daily and nightly routines? Do you find yourself suddenly sleepless since moving the clocks forward by an hour this past weekend? Do you embrace daylight savings time, deplore it or simply couldn’t care either way?


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Cheryl Young's Blog

The pleasant harbourside village of Sooke on southern Vancouver Island provides a tranquil refuge from the bustle of city life.

Sooke enjoys a relaxed, casual lifestyle in a rural setting that also affords many of the amenities of city life.

For centuries, this area was a thriving Coast Salish settlement.

The T’sou-ke peoples lived alongside a salmon river and within a sheltered harbor, an area where seafood was in abundance along the seashore, and game, roots and berries were harvested in the forests.

The name T’sou-ke is said to be that of a stickle back fish found at the mouth of the Sooke River.

The T’sou-ke First nation proudly created a valuable and lasting legacy that continues to enrich the community to this day.

Sooke enjoys some of the mildest climate in western Canada, with warm and dry summer months, and wet and mild winter months.

 Sooke’s unspoiled beaches, meandering…

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Cheryl Young's Blog



Juan de Fuca Provincial Park is located near the community of Port Renfrew and north of the community of Sooke on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

 The rainforest and waterfront park is 1,528 hectares of forested hiking trails, rocky cliffs and sandy beaches.


The wilderness park is separated into four sections – China Beach, the Juan de Fuca Marine Hiking Trail, Sombrio Beach and Botanical Beach.

All are top notch sightseeing and adventure destinations creating opportunities for various outdoor adventures.

Some of the activities enjoyed in the Juan de Fuca Provincial Park include hiking, backpacking, swimming, beachcombing, picnicking, sightseeing, wildlife watching and wilderness camping.

China Beach and Sombrio Beach are day use areas located in the park.

 Plenty of opportunity for beautiful marine scenery and… possibly, a wildlife sighting.

There are picnic areas and pit toilets.

The beaches are covered in sand and…

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